Which Wedding Photography workshops are there in North America and which one should you choose?
It's best to start with making a list of what you want to learn. Is it mainly technical, workflow or more business related? Do you want to reach a different target group? Do you have difficulties increasing your prices or are you unable to attract the right customers? All important components to include in your final choice of which wedding photography workshop to go for.
Workshops for wedding photographers
Below we have compiled a list of photographers who offer wedding photography workshops. This list is very diverse. After all, we all have a different level and a different style. You will have to choose a workshop that suits you well.
Many photographers offer different wedding photography workshops. To choose which workshop is best for you, it is important you look for a photographer whose style of photography suits you, or from whom you want to learn more. However, it is no guarantee that a photographer who is successful himself can also give a good workshop.
What does a wedding photography workshop cost?
For a good wedding photography workshop you'll pay between 400 and 2000 euros, depending on the number of days, the location and the level. Cheaper workshops can be found, but they'll be shorter and contain less valuable information. There are also more expensive workshops given by top photographers at beautiful locations, often in exotic or dramatic locations for several days, in which all facets of photography and entrepreneurship are discussed. Take a good look at what is included in the price, such as overnight stays, food and drinks during the days of the workshop.
Grow by doing a wedding photography workshop
The level of the workshop must match your own level. If you're a starting wedding photographer, you have to find a workshop that matches your skills. In the description of the workshops you usually can find some info about the level the workshop. So scroll through the list, visit their websites, and choose a workshop that suits you.
We have also included a number of workshops that can help you to run a good business as a wedding photographer. If you want to be successful as a wedding photographer, your business skills are at least as important as your photography skills!
The list above can of course be expanded, so if you give workshops yourself or if you have followed a workshop by someone who is not in this list, let us know in the comments. We will take a look at it and we might add it to the list.
We are also very curious about your workshop stories. If you have attended a workshop, we would like to hear about your experiences and what it has brought you. Let us know in the comments.
We wish you a lot of succes in your search for a good wedding phtography workshop!
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